Prophet Constantine Onyema

“believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper.”

Welcome to PROPHET CONSTANTINE ONYEMA website. This is teaching ministries under the series of  HOUR OF LIBERATION. There are outreach ministries to feed, nourish, nurture, establish, empower and liberate the souls that are hungry and desperate to see and feel the supernatural move of God in their lives, body of Christ and nations as whole and also willing to be liberated with the help of the Holy Spirit and uncompromised words of the Lord.


It has to do with realigning the lost souls and those who have lost the touch of their God, are living dead even in the body of Christ to their destinies and plan, purpose of God in lives that were bestowed to them when they were still in their mothers’ womb.You are have access to reclaim your position in God because of the grace in the price Jesus Christ has paid with his precious blood to redeem everything to you.
A true prophet is the voice and mouthpiece of the Lord. They are the watchmen in the wall.

They watch over the souls of people. As a prophet has the unction of the Holy Spirit to alter destines, destroy the activities of workers of iniquities in the lives of those bond, proclaiming liberty to the captives, and opening of the prison to them that bound and healing the brokenheartedly through the anointing of PROPHETIC DELIVERANCE AND LIBERATION the lord has bestowed upon me.